BSR and the Elderly

BSR and the Elderly
Older people often blame pain and malfunction on ageing and learn to ‘live with’ their problems. When they talk about being too old to expect any improvement, they need to be reminded that, just as a cut on the skin heals itself, no matter the age of the person, the healing process remains active throughout
the body. As BSR is gentle and precise, it is safely applied to aged, frail people.
Body Stress Release has commonly assisted the elderly with weak bladders, osteoarthritis, leg, back and
hip pains, and many other problems that were believed to be due to their age.
Weak Bladder
A man in his sixties had stopped going fishing with a group of friends due to his embarrassing problem of
needing to urinate frequently. After several months of BSR for long-term lower back pain, he discovered
that the pressure and irritation in his bladder were gone, and he was delighted to rejoin the fishing

A woman in her seventies had x-rays taken which showed advanced osteoarthritis of the spine –
regeneration of the vertebrae with many osteophytes – bony outgrowths, especially in the neck region.
She had been in constant, increasing pain over the years. After two sessions of BSR, her neck was more
mobile and she was free of pain. It had been assumed that the osteophytes had been encroaching on
the spinal nerves. However, the fact that the pain withdrew after the releases showed that in this case
the bony spurs were not exerting pressure on the nerves. The pain was caused by the compression
effect of the tension stored in the back structures.